Question Bank - Module - 5


Question Bank - Module 5

Mr. K B Hemanth Raj (Future Vision BIE) March 15, 2020

These Questions are being framed for helping the students in the "FINAL Exams" Only (Remember for Internals the Question Paper is set by your respective teachers). Questions may be repeated, just to show students how VTU can frame Questions.


1. Explain the logical classifications of input devices with examples. (06 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)

2. Discuss request mode, sample mode and event mode with figures. (06 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)

3. List the various features that a good interactive program should include. (04 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)

4. Explain how an event driven input can be performed for a keyboard and mouse device. (06 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)

5. List the properties of Bezier curve. And also explain Bazier techniques of generating curves. (10 Marks) (Dec.2019/Jan.2020)

6. With the help of a suitable programming construct explain event driven input menu picking and Building interactive models. (08 Marks) (June/July 2019)

7. Write a short note on (any two)

i) Curve and Quadric surfaces

ii) openGL curve and surface functions

iii) Bezier curve and surfaces. (08 Marks) (June/July 2019)

8. What are display lists? Explain the steps to develop interactive models and animating interactive programs. (08 Marks) (June/July 2019)

9. Write a short note on (any two)

i) Logic operations (graphics)

ii) Input devices or clients and servers

iii) Bezier spline curve and openGL curve functions. (08 Marks) (June/July 2019)

10. Explain the major characteristics that describe the logical behaviour of an input device. Explain how OpenGL provides the functionality of each of the classed of logical input devices. (08 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)

11. Describe the logical input operation of picking in selection mode. (04 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)

12. What is DisplayList? Write OpenGL code-segment that generate a blue coloured square using display list. (04 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)

13. Explain Bezier spline curves with equations and demonstrate the appearance of Bezier curves for various selection of control points. (08 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)

14. What is double buffering? How it is implemented in OpenGL. (04 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)

15. Differentiate event mode with request mode. (04 Marks) (Dec.2018/Jan.2019)

16. Give the equation representing control points of the Bezier spline curves. Discuss its properties. Also draw Beizer curve with 4 and 3 control points. (08 Marks) (June/July 2018)

17. Explain Request, sample and event Input modes with the Block diagram. (08 Marks) (June/July 2018)

18. With the program snapshot, explain the creation of Menus in OpenGL. (08 Marks) (June/July 2018)

19. With the role of glCallList( ) function in creating Displaylists in OpenGL. Write OpenGL code for rendering a simple Animated face. (08 Marks) (June/July 2018)

20. List and explain different classification of light material interactions. (10 Marks) (Dec.2016/Jan.2017 |10 Scheme)

21. Explain the Phong lighting model. Indicate the advantages and disadvantages af this model. (10 Marks) (Dec.2016/Jan.2017 |10 Scheme)

22. Explain Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm with an example. (10 Marks) (Dec.2016/Jan.2017 |10 Scheme)

23. Discuss the Bresenham's rasterization algorithm. (06 Marks) (Dec.2016/Jan.2017 |10 Scheme)

24. Explain antialiasing, (04 Marks) (Dec.2016/Jan.2017 |10 Scheme)

25. With neat diagrams, explain various light sources and develop a program for approximation of sphere by recursive subdivisions. (12 Marks) (June/July.2019 |10 Scheme)

26. Explain phong lighting model and explain specification of materials in OpenGL. (08 Marks) (June/July.2019 |10 Scheme)

27. Explain the Cohen-Sutherland line clipping algorithm and demonstrate with the help of an example. (10 Marks) (June/July.2019 |10 Scheme)

28. Explain the scanline polygon filling algorithm. (05 Marks) (June/July.2019 |10 Scheme)

29. What is anti-aliasing? List the various anti-aliasing techniques. (05 Marks) (June/July.2019 |10 Scheme)

30. Explain phong-lighting model. (10 Marks) (Dec.2017/Jan.2018 |10 Scheme)

31. Write a program to display a set of values {fi} as a rectangular mesh. (07 Marks) (Dec.2017/Jan.2018 |10 Scheme)

32. List the possible light sources in openGL. (03 Marks) (Dec.2017/Jan.2018 |10 Scheme)

33. Explain the cohen-sutherland line clipping algorithm in detail. (10 Marks) (Dec.2017/Jan.2018 |10 Scheme)

34. Discuss the Bresenham's rasterization algorithm. How is it advantageous when compared to other existing methods? Describe. (10 Marks) (Dec.2017/Jan.2018 |10 Scheme)

35. Describe the Phong lightening model. What are its advantages? (10 Marks) (June/July.2017 |10 Scheme)

36. Briefly explain the different types of light sources supported by OpenGL. (10 Marks) (June/July.2017 |10 Scheme)

37. Use Liang Barsky line clipping algorithm to clip a line from starting point (30, 15) and ending at point (65, 35) against the window having its lower left corner at (40, 10) and upper right corner at (75, 25) (10 Marks) (June/July.2017 |10 Scheme)

38. Use Bresenham's line algorithm to digitalize a line from point (0, 0) to point (6, 4). (10 Marks) (June/July.2017 |10 Scheme)

